Bryant Elementary


Annual Library Events & Programs

Annually, Seattle Public Library sponsors a “Battle of the Books” program; its primary aim to instill a love of literature and build teamwork skills. Fourth and fifth graders at elementary schools around the district form teams. All teams read 10 books vetted by SPL for their thematic content and varying reading levels. At Bryant, we encourage teams to reread these titles several times in preparation for the quiz bowl, during which teams are asked fact-based questions.

With the help of parent volunteers, we run a rigorous program at select lunch recesses, giving individuals a chance to go deeper into the different titles, and then prepping teams for the in-school challenge. The winning team of the in-school challenge proceeds to the city semi-finals at the Central Library downtown. Bryant’s Global Reading teams have fared well in past years, winning the city semi-finals in 2015 and the championships in 2011, 2018, 2019.

Around the end of September/beginning of October, we invite fourth and fifth graders to review the dynamics of Global Reading on an informational sheet we provide. Students willing to make the commitments to a team then submit this form in October. We form teams from those submissions and start meeting by the end of October. SPL officially announces the titles and distributes texts in early November.

Global Readers can expect to engage actively in individual and team efforts from November to February, devoting about one lunch and lunch recess per week. Don’t worry, our Global Readers may eat in the library! It’s a long haul, indeed. However, students who persevere truly enjoy and glean copiously from the intellectual and team pursuits.

Some of our 4th and 5th graders have been sprouting pointy ears and have become quite nimble with the Dewey Decimal System! Our Shelf Elf program appeals to service-oriented students who love to organize. Assigned to a particular day and time, Shelf Elves are expected, independently, to make their magical appearance beyond some initial reminders.

A 5th grade Shelf Wizard directs the Shelf Elves, as Ms. Aliverti is often teaching. Depending on the number of interested students, an Elf may serve for one or two semesters. The Wizards, fewer in number, serve all year. In June, Shelf Elves meeting all attendance requirements will be invited to a lunch party.

Following a lunch recess informational meeting in September, Ms. Aliverti distributes Shelf Elf and Shelf Wizard applications. Please contact her for more information.

*Public Domain image: Seasonal – winter – Christmas – santa-elf-books-good-boys-and-girls | Vintageprintable. (n.d.). Retrieved October 1, 2015.

Located just a few blocks north of Bryant Elementary at 6801 35th Avenue NE, the Northeast Branch of Seattle Public Library partners often with us to share programs and resources.

Erica Delavan is the Children’s Services Librarian at this branch. She loves helping kids find their next book or series, demonstrating all the cool resources for finding out about the world, and just getting to know all the wonderful families that come through the library. Keep your eyes peeled for programs for school-age kids throughout the year!