Bryant Elementary

Student Family Portal

English Learner Resources

English Learner (EL) Resources

Colorín Colorado

Colorín Colorado

A Primer on Helping Immigrant Students Feel Welcome in School Education Week

This bilingual website was created just for parents and families to provide them with the information they need to help their child become a good reader and a successful student. It has two tabs which change all text to either English or Spanish. A teacher may use this website to understand the information it is providing and then pass it along to those parents who know no English. It contains book lists, author lists, as well as an abundance of tips and techniques for parents to use at home to help their child become a successful reader.

Dave’s ESL Cafe

Dave’s ESL Cafe

Dave’s ESL Cafe is maintained by the one and only Dave Sperling.
The internet’s meeting place for ESL/EFL teachers and students from around the world.

20 Things Parents of EL Students Must Do

These are websites for non- to limited-English speaking parents. Website, articles, and journals that are offered in multiple languages are very beneficial to families as they provide avenues to become involved in their children’s schooling.

The LISA Academy English Language Learner Program (ELL Program)

  1. Work together with your child to ensure his her success at school.
  2. “Sometimes it’s not what you see; it’s what you believe!” Parents have to believe in what your child can do and teach them to believe in themselves as students.
  3. Be informed of your children’s education. Find ways to participate in your children’s education and ways to exercise your rights and responsibilities as a parent.
  4. Send your children to school every day.
  5. Ask your children how their day went at school.
  6. Know the teacher’s name and your child’s grade level.
  7. Have the school telephone number in a convenient location at your house.
  8. Know your child’s bus number.
  9. Attend parent-teacher conferences on a regular basis.
  10. Volunteer for school field trips.
  11. Look for daily assignments.
  12. Help your child with special projects (do not do it for him or her, but rather facilitate).
  13. Know some of your child’s classmates. When your child is absent, call for assigned homework.
  14. Look for Local Task Force agencies that offer translation services if you need assistance with translations. Or ask Bryant’s ELL Teacher, Pauline Pfohl,
  15. Ask your child to review prior assignments with you daily.
  16. Read daily with your child (use home language, if necessary).
  17. Ask your child to read aloud to you.
  18. Make lists of objects and sort at home.
  19. Ask your child what he or she needs for school.
  20. Love your child!